DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Religionism-Challenging Resources:


Religionism is prejudice multiplied by power used by persons of a dominant religious belief system against persons of a nondominant religious (or nonreligious) belief system that excludes them from individual, cultural, and systemic resources (Chen-Hayes, Ockerman, & Mason, 2014). To help close achievement (and opportunity and attainment) gaps, I've highlighed in robin's egg blue below resources (including evidence-based classroom curricula) that every School Counselor can share with K-12 stakeholders via their School Counseling Program Advisory Councils, School Counseling Core Curriculum classroom lessons, planning for every student, group and individual counseling, and School Counseling Program website resource tabs for students, educators, and families:


  • #BokoHaramKilled2000People: Hashtag for the 1/15 massacre of Nigerian civilians at the hands of Boko Haram religious extremist vigilante group using mass murder and kidnapping to gain power in Nigeria (and Cameroon)
  • #Religionism Hashtag for organizing to affirm persons with nondominant religious/spiritual/meaning-making systems and those who don't believe in or are skeptical of religion/spirituality of all ages challenging religion-based oppression
  • Americans United for Separation of Church and State www.au.org...
  • Center for Inquiry: Fostering science, reason, freedom of inquiry and humanism www.centerforinquiry.net...
  • Faith in America: Ending religion-based bigotry toward LBGT people http://www.faithinamerica.org/
  • FaithTrust Institute:
    collaborate to develop and promote resources from our faith traditions which promote safety, justice and healing and to address those which may present roadblocks to ending sexual and domestic violence. - See more at: http://www.faithtrustinstitute.org/about-us/guiding-principles#sthash.ZmaAwCAe.dpuf
    collaborate to develop and promote resources from our faith traditions which promote safety, justice and healing and to address those which may present roadblocks to ending sexual and domestic violence. - See more at: http://www.faithtrustinstitute.org/about-us/guiding-principles#sthash.ZmaAwCAe.dpuf
    collaborate to develop and promote resources from our faith traditions which promote safety, justice and healing and to address those which may present roadblocks to ending sexual and domestic violence. - See more at: http://www.faithtrustinstitute.org/about-us/guiding-principles#sthash.ZmaAwCAe.dpuf
    Collaborating on resources from diverse faith traditions to promote safety justice, and healing; challenging roadblocks to stop sexual and domestic violence www.faithtrustinstitute.org
  • Freedom from Religion www.ffrf.org
  • Interfaith Alliance: Protecting faith and freedom www.interfaithalliance.org
  • Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI): Empowering women victims of violence and religionism in Iraq with shelter and protection www.equalityiniraq.com
  • Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers (M*A*S*H chapters): challenging illegal religious practices & discrimination www.militaryatheists.org...
  • National Center for Science Education: Defending the teaching of evolution in public schools http://ncse.com
  • Religious Institute: Changing how the USA understands sexuality and religion toward progressive sexual justice www.religiousinstitute.org
  • Secular Coalition for America: Advocacy for atheists, agnostics, humanists, and other secular persons www.secular.org...
  • Soulforce: Relentless LBGT nonviolent resistance www.soulforce.org
  • United Nations Declarations on Religious Intolerance (1981, 1993) www.religioustolerance.org 
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.