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Five Elements of a School Vision and the Ethical Ramifications Considered



As a school building leader, it is important to define and formulate your own belief system and values so that the development of a school vision can be created and implemented. However, as leaders create school visions, they must also consider the moral and ethical dilemmas that may exist and the consequential need for ethical decision-making. The issues that arise in schools that involve the imposition of values, raising questions about what is fair and equitable, the idea of what is just and fair for the community is the very issues that are defined and explored in this paper. 


As school building leader, my goal is to try to arrive at the best decision that affects the greater good for most people.  My purpose as a leader is to do what is best for the good of the academic community.  I will be sure to consider my ethical and moral compass to keep me on my path, to re-examine my vision and make sure it is being delivered appropriately and effectively within ethical parameters.  I realize that the school’s vision is the constitution of the school because it involves the rights and responsibilities for all stakeholders and asserts that there is a guide that guarantees certain rights.  When leaders consider the fundamental aims of communities and the principles that enable shared cooperation together this makes ethical leadership.  As Strike suggests, if you do what is good and what is right, leaders will be able to create the framework for good school communities.


As an educational leader, in order to set my vision into practice, I will put in place systems, structures, and protocols that adhere to my school vision and philosophy.   There is a linkage and connection between the systems leaders use and the principles or elements of a school vision. 


The following document will identify five elements of a school vision, the systems used to help set that element in place and how ethical behavior is integrated into the development of a vision. 


To read the paper in its entirety, please click here.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.