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Leadership Experience: School Walk Around


*Bulletin: the sentence strip says: After taking observations we were able to identify the minerals based on their properties. Another sentence strip poses a question: Did you know scientists use mineral properties to identify different minerals? The properties of minerals were listed on a separate chart as follows: color, luster, taste, streak, hardness, magnetism. Samples of minerals were placed in sandwich bags. They included: Graphite, Pyrite, Feldspar, Calcite, Fluorite, Magnetite, and Apatite. There was a Grade 5 Science reference sheet that had a mineral identification table that charted the mineral’s hardness, luster, streak, and color. Student made drawings were displayed showing the mineral they observed and recorded data on.   

*Bulletin: displayed student writing. Sentence strip question: Is it a happy Thanksgiving? Students’ responses all started with: Do you know the truth about thanksgiving? And then wrote an essay about what the holiday means to them. Printed pictures of Native Americans were posted around the writing on orange poster paper.

*Poster: A Scholastic Literacy Poster with dates, and location: November 9th, 10th-19th at 8:15-9:35am in the school cafeteria.

*Poster: Picture Day Poster with dates of picture day. November 8th, 10th, 12th

*Poster: Displayed different interest clubs available to students: making cupcakes, playing board games, movies, math games, inventions, mythology. Interest Clubs meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays 9th period. Cycle 1 dates posted: Oct 13-Nov 10.

*Poster: Sign for 5th grade class 5-430 bake sale Nov 9th, 1-3pm, and 5:30-7:30pm

*Bulletin- Students answered questions about themselves on posters called ‘autobiography newspapers.’ Student photos were on their autobiography posters.

Student writing example: caption “I am intelligent, a little bit funny, angry when disappointed.

*Bulletin- sentence strip: we created Ads to persuade you to attend and think about college. Sentence strip question posted: What is the author’s purpose? To persuade

Sentence strip:  follow your dreams go to college!

* Bulletin- Posters of Persuasion. Sentence strip: If you were listening…would we persuade you? Persuade parents to buy special gift for your birthday. Students wrote a short paragraph to try to convince their parents to buy them a special gift.

*Bulletin by Administration: Students striving for success. Bar graphs reflecting student scores in ELA and Math for grades 4, 5, 6. Strengths posted include: Finding the Main Idea, and Understanding Plot

*Bar Graph by Literacy Staff developer: 4th and 5th grade 100 book challenge chart documented the steps that students from each of the fourth and fifth grade classes had read. The total number of steps was graphed.

*Uniform Chart with colored stickers next to the classes that have perfect uniform in grade 4 and 5

* Poster: 5th grade Cake Sale- all proceeds go to end of year trip (all bake sale proceeds)  


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